don’t love you as if you were diamonds, dark chocolate, or red roses,
i love you as one loves the night, the penumbras keep you hidden but stars,
my eyes, still manage to find you
between my head and my heart, soul and shade.
i love you as one loves another
in the way that we do things
calmly, quietly, lovingly.
my soul tends to run up walls
but yours soothes me
it keeps my tempo at the even pace.
i love you with no questions or exclamations
i am overbearing, i’m sure
but i cannot love you with half of my heart
or half of my soul
i cannot love you in any other way
our love cannot be defined
for our intimacy is infinite
so close that the blood that pulsates through my veins is yours.
so close that the breath i breathe is you.
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